Barry Stranz

Barry Stranz
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Barry Stranz draws on 40+ years of experience and expertise in home building and remodeling to instruct REALTORS®. He has participated in a wide range of building-related projects, from single-handedly remodeling his own home to directing and participating in construction teams in Portugal and Kenya. A home consultant since 1992, Barry advises on everything from design to structural evaluations. Barry was previously an instructor for Kaplan Professional Schools and for more than 25 years, he has taught construction classes to real estate agents through REALTOR® associations.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Beneath the Surface: Understanding the Anatomy of a House
It is clearly important when working with buyers or sellers to understand the residential structure. This course walks the real estate professional through the “bones” of a home, offering a new perspective and understanding of its structural make up, product options available to build it, and why they are significant.
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