Everyone has a credit score that can affect where they work, what kind of car they drive, what they pay for insurance and whether they rent or own real estate. As a real estate professional, it is imperative to know how the credit scoring system works, and how to achieve the best credit score possible.
So how can your use free credit reports to generate marketing pieces that will generate more leads for you next year? Chandra Hall shares a great strategy in this educational video;
Chandra Hall shares valuable tips on using education based marketing to help your buyers “Crack the Credit Score.” For more great tips from Chandra, be sure to register for her online real estate CE course, “Successful Buyer Client Systems!”
Keynote courses offer online real estate CE and/or GRI credit in partnership with many local associations across the country. Is your association partnering with Keynote to offer CE and / or GRI credit? Don’t just renew your license – revitalize your business!